Mercatini di Natale a Roma: Ecco Quelli da Non Perdere a Dicembre ...

The cold winds of the economic crisis may blow,
but for the festive season at least Italian town councils seem determined to put on a brave show. Rome has been illuminated for Christmas as never before.
Gigantic Christmas trees blazing with lights triumph in front of the Victor Emmanuel Memorial, as well as the Colosseum, rivalling in splendour the 5-ton traditional Vatican fir set up in St. Peter Square, gifted this year by the Ukraine. The pièce de rèsistance, however, is the magnificent flag of red, white and green lights in honour of the 150 Anniversary of the Unification of Italy,  a canopy stretching the entire 1.6 km length of Via del Corso, the main shopping artery that runs from Piazza Venezia to Piazza del Popolo.

The international Leonardo da Vinci airports Terminal 1 is also lavishly bedecked to welcome visitors. Artist Claire Lampugnani has created a magical atmosphere of sparkling trees and installations of suspended butterflies with two-metre wing apertures, illuminated with over 18,000 led lights.

Posted on 22 Dec 2011 by Editor
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