Until the 25 June 2012, the public will have a chance to have a close-up view of a  magnificent stained glass window designed by Ghiberti in Florence Cathedral after cleaning and restoration by the specialized Florentine Studio Polloni G & C, which has been working on the Duomo Santa Maria del Fiori cycle of windows since the 1970s. The window, featuring four richly clad Oriental men with turbans on their heads, is one of the series of 45 stained glass windows designed by leading renaissance artists between 1394 and 1444.

Ghiberti was the major contributor, having designed 36 of the windows. The other eight surviving windows (one was destroyed in 1828) were the work of Donatello, Paolo Uccello, Andrea del Castagno and Agnolo Gaddi. The cycle of ancient windows is considered to be the most important in the world because of the prestigious succession of artists who worked on them.

To date, 33 of the windows have been successfully restored. The glass had suffered badly from the effects of condensation and dust, but now they can be seen in their original glory. After the 25 June, the Ghiberti window will be reset in its original place, with the addition of state of the art protection against humidity.


For information: www.operaduomo.fi.it  


Posted on 29 Apr 2012 by Editor
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