A Bronze Age gold cup dating from between 2200-1600 BC discovered recently during excavations at the Spalletti quarries of Montecchio Emilia was presented in Florence at the Prehistoric and Proto-historic Italian Institute (Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria) on the 23 April 2012 The Superintendent of Archaeological Heritage (Beni Archaeologici) of Emilia Romagna, Filippo Maria Gambari, explained that this was one of the most important Bronze Age archaeological finds in recent years and that the precious cup was unique in Italy.
At the same time, an important a cache of 14 practically intact bronze objects unearthed at Monte Gebolo hill at Castelnovo ne' Monti above the River Secchia valley also made its debut. The objects, dating from XIII century BC, included axes, sickles, a dagger and fragments of a bronze panel.
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