The exhibition Francesco, il Santo. Capolavori nei secoli e dal territorio reatino (Francis, the Saint. Masterpieces over the centuries from Rieti Territory) is running until the 4 November 2012 in three different venues in the town of Rieti (Lazio).
Francis, the patron saint of Italy, is closely linked to the territory of Rieti, where there are four important Franciscan sanctuaries in the Sacred Valley between Leonessa and Amatrice, where, according to tradition, the Poverello (poor little saint) set up the first Christmas crib at Gubbio, establishing the well-loved Italian custom of creating a nativity tableau in Italian streets and houses during the festive season.
The exhibition features works by artists spanning eight centuries, from Cimabue to Mimmo Paladino and includes Margherito d'Arezzo, Antoniazzo Romano, Correggio, Tiziano, Annibale Carracci, Pietro da Cortona, Tiepoli, Domenico Morelli, Cambellotti and Adolfo Wildt, as well as illuminated manuscripts, engravings, prints and relinquaries, distributed between Rieti Civic Museum, the Museo di Beni Ecclesiastici and the Varrone Foundation.
Throughout the months when the exhibition is running, a series of talks, excursions and conferences will be held in Rieti as well as guided visits to the sanctuaries and along “the St. Francis Route”. In addition, from September onwards, a cinema festival will be held each Saturday featuring films about St. Francis from silent movies to present day productions.
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