Alto Adige is one of Italy's most popular regions for agriturismo (farm holidays), with 1,600 members belonging to the Unione Agricoltori e Coltivatori Diretti Sudtirolesi (Farmers' Union of the South Tirol/Alto Adige) grouped under the Red Rooster logo.

Founded in 1999, the Red Rooster Association controls the quality and promotes the activities of the three categories of tourist sojourns in masi (as the typical local farmhouse is called): Masi con Gusto (hospitality and dining), Sapori del Maso (local gastronomic produce) and Artigianato Contadino (authentic local handcrafts).

Initially, the primary objective of the Red Rooster Association was to guarantee the survival of small mountain farms, under threat from the challenges posed by the global economy. The success of the farm holiday initiative led to the creation of 13 categories of masi, with standards strictly controlled by the Association. These include historic buildings, horse riding, biking and walking holidays, as well as specialized accommodation for guests with allergies or disabilities.


Info: Tel. ++39.0471.999325  




Posted on 28 Apr 2014 by Editor
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