Risultati immagini per animali nella guerra mondiale

Unsung heroes of the First World War will be spotlighted as part of the Italian centenary commemorations at the OPEN Gallery in Mestre (Venice) between the 5th - 30th May 2015 with a photographic exhibition entitled: 1914/18: the war and the animals. Silent troopers at the service of the army.. School books don't mention the many animals involved in the conflict, explain curators Serenella Ferrari and Susanne Probst, but the troops could not have managed without them.


It is estimated that some 16 million animals were employed in the conflict, including 11 million horses, 100,000 dogs and 200,000 carrier pigeons. Mules, donkeys and oxen were used to draw cannons and other heavy equipment and they were also butchered to provide food for the men. Dogs were employed in the front line to find the wounded, transport messages and to mount guard. There were also cats, which not only killed the rats in the trenches, but gave early warning of poisonous gasses. Very few of these animals survived.


The exhibition was previously held at Gorizia (Fruili-Venezia Giulia) at the HIC Literary Caffè.


Info: Tel. ++39.0415.316137




Posted on 28 Apr 2015 by Editor
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