Risultati immagini per CARAVAGGIO EXPERIENCE


The Caravaggio Experience,  an exciting new exhibition just opened at Rome's Palazzo delle Esposizioni, gives a novel presentation of the works of one of Italy's most famous and popular 17th century artists. Fifty-seven works by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio fill the walls of the exhibition hall in floating images, projected by 33 Canon Xeed high definition cameras, in a constant dreamlike sequence, accompanied by music written by maestro Stefano Saletti especially for the event.

The installation, designed by video artists of the Florentine Fake Factory, explores various aspects of Caravaggio's art such as his revolutionary use of light, his sense of drama and internal torment, his representation of saints as ordinary men and women of the streets, that created scandal and misunderstanding in his day. The exhibition rooms immerge visitors in blown-up images, recreating the original composition, the construction of movement in the works, the emotions depicted and an infinity of details.

The experience is enhanced by the diffusion of the perfume specially created  by the historic profumery Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella, named “Maledetto” (or “Accursed”), in reference to the reputation Caravaggio acquired in his lifetime, due to his violent and irregular lifestyle.

The Caravaggio Experience runs until the 3rd July 2016. Closed Mondays




Info: ROME&ROMA  Tel ++39.06.3397252425  Tel. ++39.06.39967500    


Posted on 07 Apr 2016 by Editor
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