Risultati immagini per bagnoregio la citta incantata

Civita di Bagnoregio, (Lazio), once labelled the Dying City because of its lack of inhabitants and its precarious position perched on a crumbling rocky plug, has now become The Enchanted City, thanks to the annual Festival of Animation, which attracts more and more participants.

The event, promoted as the international meeting of artists and designers to save the world, is now in its fourth edition, and stars masters of animation art like Peter Lord of the Aardman Animations of Bristol, creater of plasticine figures like Wallace & Gromit,  Francesca Ferrario, Stefano Argentero, Candy Kugel and Japanese-born Fusako Yusaki, as well as comics author and film director Sergio Staino. Highlights include a live painting demonstration on a vast canvas by Virginio Vona and Lorenzo Terranera, film projections and a masterclass by Peter Lord.

The Festival (8-10 June 2018) takes place in the central piazza as well as in private houses and gardens in the tiny medieval borgo, which is a listed Borghi piů belli d'Italia (the most beautiful  small historic towns) in Italy.



Posted on 04 Jun 2018 by Editor
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