Cavalcata Sarda, the Sardinian Calvacade

Cavalcata sarda, a Sassari la festa della bellezza ...

The annual Sardinian Cavalcade at Sassari takes place on the 18th May this year. Over 3000 participants in splendid traditional costumes, adorned with jewels and amulets, accompany the hundreds of riders on dazzlingly bedecked horses as they parade through the town in one of the most picturesque and impressive folkloristic events of the island.

There are conflicting versions of when the cavalcade tradition began but the event is believed to have originated over three centuries ago. Originally, it was staged to honour visiting royals and dignitaries. In its present form, it dates from the 1950s and attracts tourists from all over the world.

For information: .

Posted on 13 May 2008 by Editor
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