Mostre: Gli splendori di Augusto alle Scuderie

Augusto alle Scuderie del Quirinale (da vedere e non da sentire ... 

Following the success of the exhibition in the Scuderie del Quirinali, Rome, dedicated to the great Roman Emperor Augustus, Rome continues the celebration of his bi-millenium throughout the rest of this year with a full programme of exhibitions and special events, to be held in the Ara Pacis museum and Trajan's Market.

The Art of Command. The Heritage of Augustus opens in the Ara Pacis on the 25th April 2014, highlighting the propaganda tactics of his reign, with objects linked to the myth created around him and the subsequent consequences, with the legitimization of rulers, kings and dictators who came after him.

The Keys to Rome. The City of Augustus will run from the 23rd September 2014 to March 2015 in the ruins of Trajan's Market and will focus on places in Rome connected with the Emperor. Exhibits include a walk over map of the city of Rome as it was at his time as well as touch screens and videos showing monuments as they are now, superimposed with images of their original appearance.

Other Roman sites linked to the Augustus programme include: the Houses of Augustus and Livia on the Palatine Hill, the Theatre of Marcellus and surroundings, the Auditorium of Mecenate and the Acqueducts of Vergine, Marcia and Julia.

An exciting addition to Rome sightseeing will be the evening multi-media shows in the Forum of Augustus, opposite the Roman Forum, created by well-known TV historic and scientific director Piero Angela. Highlight will be the re-creation of the gigantic 11m-high statue of the Emperor which once stood beside the Temple of Mars. Spectators will be accommodated on Via Alessandrina, the raised walkway that skirts the end of the Forum. Organizers plan three shows per night between April and September 2014.  


Info: Tel.060608- -



Posted on 14 Apr 2014 by Editor
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