The Aricino-Nemorense branch of the Italian Archeoclub recently organized a historic re-enactment of the ancient Festival of the Latin Peoples (Feriae Latinae) on Monte Cavo, the highest point of the extinct volcano some 20 kms south of Rome.

Attended by a large number of the public, the procession, headed by the white-robed High Priest,  Vestal Virgins and soldiers of the Legio Secunda Parthica Severiana (historical revisitation group from the town of Albano), made its way to the summit of the former sacred mountain, which was once crowned by the Temple of Jupiter Latialis, where the traditional peace ceremony of laying down of the arms, the symbolic sharing of a sacrificial meal and the lighting of the sacred fire to Vesta took place.  

The event concluded with a picnic lunch.



Posted on 22 Jun 2014 by Editor
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