Francesco Sirano, director of Herculaneum, the Roman city wiped out along with Pompeii in the volcanic eruption of 79AD, has announced the return of its popular Close-Up Cantiere (work site) Tours, which give visitors the opportunity to watch archaeologists, architects and restorers at work in the archaeological site.

The tours take place on Friday mornings at 11 and 11.30 and visitors can participate by booking at the Close-up Cantiere desk at the visitor centre at least 15 minutes beforehand. The work-in-progress tours are included in the price of the entrance ticket to the remains of the ancient Roman city

At the moment it is possible to see experts working on the restoration of mosaics at the Casa della Gemma (Jewel), the Casa dei Cervi (Stags), the Casa di Pilus Granianus and the Casa del Rilievo di Telefo (Telephus Reliefs). In addition, other ongoing restoration work can be seen at the House of the Colonnnato Tuscanico (Tuscan Colonnade), the House of the Atrio a Mosaic (Mosaic at the Entrance), the House of the Mobilio Carbonizzato (Carbonized Furniture) and the House of Apollo Citaredo (Apollo with his Lyre).

The idea behind the tours, says Sirano, is to make the public more aware of conservation and what is involved in restoration. Herculaneum is one of the earliest and most successful conservation projects. Culture Minister Dario Franceschini recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of the collaboration between a private company - the Packard Humanities Institute and the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum - which set the stage for the 2014 introduction of the ArtBonus tax incentive project to encourage the active participation of private sponsors in the restoration and upkeep of Italy's immense cultural heritage.

Text & Photos by M. Stenhouse

Info: Tel. +39.081.7777008

Posted on 20 May 2021 by Editor
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