Risultati immagini per case cantoniere


Italy's State Property Agency (il Demanio) has announced plans to put some 30 case cantoniere (houses once rented to the roadmen responsible for maintaining a certain section of road) on the market. The buildings, familiarly referred to as the red houses because of their distinctive Pompeiian red painted walls, were originally set up in 1830 and are now managed by ANAS (Azienda Nazionale Autonoma delle Strade), the state road management agency.

There are 1,244 red houses along Italian provincial roads, many of which have been empty for many years, since the mansion of roadman was abolished. A pilot project, due to take off at he end of June 2016, aims at making thirty of these, situated along the Old Appian Way and the Via Francigena pilgrim's route, available for conversion into B&B accomodation, hostels or restaurants for foot travellers and bikers. Future plans are afoot for conversion of red houses along the Way of St. Francis of Assisi.



Posted on 23 Feb 2016 by Editor
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