Risultati immagini per trabocchi


The historic seaside town of Vasto (Abruzzo) on the Adriatic, is reviving its old Trabocchi (unique fishing huts suspended over the sea) as visitor attractions. The huts, built by the local fishermen of wood and railway sleepers, are a special feature of this part of the coast. They can now be visited to see the fishermen at work and enjoy a lunch of their catch of the day.

Vasto is celebrated as the birthplace of poet and patriot Gabriele Rossetti, the father of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, founder of the 19th century Pre-Raphaelite movement in Britain. Rossetti senior was forced to leave Italy and flee to London, due to his anti-monarchist and liberal views.


Info: Tel. ++39.349.8630483


Posted on 04 Jun 2016 by Editor
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