Risultati immagini per hotel milano scala orto


The Hotel Milano Scala is gathering the fruits of a far-sighted and ambitious project. It has planted out an organic kitchen garden on the roof. The sixth floor of the hotel, with views over the city of Milan, is filled with beds of vegetables and berries, to be plucked fresh and used by its chefs.

The hotel has concentrated on old and rare varieties, such as Sun Black tomatoes, with special anti-oxidant qualities, yellow Corsa all'Oro tomatoes, brought to Europe from the New World by the Spanish, the Cuneo white strawberries and the Giubilae black strawberries.An area is reserved for the cultivation of edible flowers, such as pansies, nasturtiums and daisies.

The hotel is situated in the Brera quarter in the heart of Milan and follows a strict policy of using non-polluting energy sources.


Info: Tel. ++39.02.870961-


Posted on 13 Jun 2016 by Editor
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