Risultati immagini per BAUBEACH

Beach season back again and there's no need to leave your four- footed friend behind when you take off for Italy's sea and sand. There are now many Italian beach establishments and resorts that welcome pets. The majority are equipped with everything to garantee doggy comfort, like dog-sized umbrellas and loungers, drinking bowls, poo bags and even yoga instructors.

The oldest and most famous pet beach is the BauBeach at Maccarese, Rome, which opened in 1998. Animal visitors have 7000 sqm at their disposal, as well as a fenced in area for small dogs that don't like mixing with the crowd and, for bigger and more sociable dogs, the exclusive Mingbird Bay where they can relax or bathe with their owners.

BauBeach Maccarese has been nominated among the list of the five best Pet Beaches in Italy. The others are Bau Village in Albisola, Ligury, Bagni 81 No Problem at Rimini, Emilia Romagna, Dog Beach at San Vincenzo, Livorno (Tuscany) and Porto Fido at Santa Teresa di Gallura in Sardinia.

Many beaches also cater for cats and other pets.



Posted on 04 Jul 2016 by Editor
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