Risultati immagini per trevi frantoio


The first new olive oil, fresh from the presses, makes its debut at Trevi in Umbria between  the

 3 - 4 November 2018 with Frantoi Aperti (Olive Oil Mills Open Days) which will continue till the 25th November throughout the Umbria region.

Trevi will also be showcasing its black celery (listed in the Slow Food register of rare local gastronomic specialities), prominent in the Farmers' Market in the main piazza. The programme includes a debate on the European "OLIVE4CLIMATE" project involving Italy, Germany, Greece and Israel, demonstrating how olive trees can be used to combat climate change and desertification.

The event is also a good opportunity to visit the exhibition "Masterpieces of the '300. The workshops of Giotto, Spoleto and the Apennines"

In the San Francesco Museum complex. This exhibition is spread out among the four regions of Umbria, Marche, Lazio and Abruzzo.


Info: Tel: +39.0742.332269  www.festivol.it-  infoturismo@comune.trevi.pg.it


Posted on 03 Nov 2018 by Editor
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