Risultati immagini per benois madonna

Thousands of visitors have already flocked to see the Benois Madonna, that has returned to Italy after 35 years for a brief visit. On loan from the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia, the painting is on display in Fabriano (Marche) until the 30 June 2019, to celebrate the annual conference of the Creative Cities of UNESCO, which will be held this year in the town.

The loan is part of the quincentenary festivities honouring the death of Leonardo da Vinci, whom experts believe painted the Benois Madonna around 1478. All trace of it was lost until 1827 when it turned up in a private collection in Russia, belonging to Maria Alexandrovno Benois, who subsequently sold it to the Zar Nicholas II.

After Fabriano, the painting will be transferred to the National Gallery of Umbria, Perugia, where it will be on view between the 4 July – 4 August 2019.


Info: Fabriano, Town Hall +39.0732.7091

Perugia, National Gallery 075.58668415-  

Posted on 19 Jun 2019 by Editor
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