The town of Finale Emilia (Modena, Reggio Emilia) is holding an exhibition of the tiles created by local children during therapy sessions to help them cope with the psychological traumas of the earthquake that shattered their homes and schools on the 12th May of 2012.

The small medieval town of Finale Emilia was at the epicentre of the earthquake and suffered extensive damage to its historic buildings and monuments. The image of its shattered Clock Tower became a symbol of the disaster for the entire area.

Immediately after the catastrophy, a course of “ceramics therapy” was set up in by local welfare associations in Finale and the Lene Thun Foundation, which runs permanent laboratories of clay modelling for sick children in 32 hospitals in Italy and abroad. The resulting 320 decorative tiles produced by the schoolchildren of the devastated town are now available for “adoption” to decorate private businesses or the walls of buildings.

Info: Tel. +39.0535.788111 (Finale Municipality)

Tel:+39.0471.245430 (Thun Foundation)

Posted on 27 May 2022 by Editor
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