The unexplained appearance of a 4m-high metal column in the middle of the Utah desert (USA) on the 18th November 2020 caused a stir in the world press, especially when it vanished as mysteriously as it had come. A week later, however, an almost identical column turned up, this time in the remote Petrodava Dacian Forest in Romania, near a location known as the “Holy Mountain”.

At the beginning of December unconfirmed reports announced a third column on Pine Mountain in Atascadero, California.

Not to be outdone, Italy has also its mysterious metal obelisk, which appeared on the 4th December, in the ancient town of Lanuvio (some 30 kms from Rome). The column was set up by unknown hands in the local Sforza Cesarini Park, in front of the ruins of the Roman Temple of Juno, the site of strange pre-Christian rituals involving sacrifices to a Holy Serpent. So far, no one knows who put the column there, but it is already attracting crowds of curious visitors.



Posted on 07 Dec 2020 by Editor
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