Lazio Region now has four Alberghi Diffusi in the villages of Castro dei Volsci, Montelanico, Castel Proceno and Amatrice but according to Federica Alatri, President of the Regional Agency for the Promotion of Tourism in Rome and Lazio, the number is destined to increase, with twenty hamlets and villages in the Ausoni hills and Etruria areas alone demonstrating the potential to develop this formula.
The Albergo Diffuso a new concept in hospitality, whereby visitors are accomodated in rooms and houses in the historic centres of small towns. Normal hotel services are provided in a central structure, but tourists have the experience of participating in the normal activities and daily life of the residents. This type of hospitality is aimed at seasoned and selective independent travellers. The concept was launched in the Fruili Venezia Giulia region of Italy in 1982 by tourism consultant Giancarlo Dall'Ara, who saw it as a means of reviving many Italian communities off the beaten track and has proved very successful. At the moment, there are 35 Alberghi diffusi in Italy.
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