This year, for the first time, the Pontifical Gardens of Castelgandolfo will be opened regularly to the public. The gardens, which surround the traditional papal summer residence in the Alban Hills some 20 miles from Rome, are renowned for their beauty, although few visitors have had the privilege of seeing them in the past.
However, Pope Francesco has announced that he will make little use of the summer retreat and declared that the gardens should be thrown open to the public. The villa and gardens, which belonged to the Barberini family until they became the property of the Holy See in 1929, overlook Lake Albano and enclose formal ornamental areas like the Magnolia Garden, the Road of the Roses, the Path of Aromatic Herbs and a Belvedere Terrace with views over the Roman countryside to the Mediterranean sea.
The estate has also a dairy farm, producing milk and butter for the Vatican.
Visitors will be able to visit the ruins of the Roman Emperor Domitians villa which stood on the spot, with its imperial amphitheatre and towering crypto-portico.
Opening hours are from Monday to Saturday, with guided tours only. Pre-booking obligatory.