The popular seaside resort of Bibione (Veneto) is to host this year's Fisherman's Friend Strongmanrun, hailed as the world's toughest fun race. Sponsored by Fisherman's Friend, manufacturers of the famous throat-protecting lozenges, invented in Britain in 1865 for fishermen working in the icy and stormy conditions of the North Sea, the race tests the courage, character and physical resistence of participants, who have to overcome a series of bizzare obstacles, such as streets waist-high with car tyres, slippery slopes and long stretches of deep squelching mud.
On the 9th May 2015, Bibione inaugurates the first stage of the 2015 edition, with the initial 10 km sprint. The second stage will take place on the 6th June at San Vittore Olona (near Milan) while the traditional The Original of 20 km follows on the 19th September at Rovereto (Trento).