The annual CastigliondiPrimavera (Spring Festival) at Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto, Tuscany) - 7th-10th May 2015 - could not but choose as its central theme: EXPO 2015 Feed the Planet. Considered to be one of Italy's most charming Mediterranean villages, Castiglione's spring event will be held along the sea front, under the shadow of the medieval castle.
Tuscany's speciality gourmet foods will be on show, but the focus will also be on local traditional crafts such as goldsmithing, embroidery, sculpture, ceramics, knives, leather goods and cloth.
Keen amateur photographers can submit their photos via twitter #castigliondiprimavera. All photos published before the 14th May 2015 will automatically compete for the final selection of three images which will feature on the facebook cover page of CastigliondiPrimavera.
For the full programme consult: twitter @CastigliodPrim or Instagram CastigliondiPrimavera.
Info: www.castiglionepescaia.it                  www.sagretoscano.com