FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano – the Italian environmental foundation) has published the winners of its 2020-2921 poll for “i Luoghi del Cuore”, or best loved sites in need of restoration and promotion. Over 2.3 million votes were gathered in favour of 40,000 suggested beauty spots, heritage sites and historic buildings and the jury had a hard task whittling the numbers down to the short list of the 20 places which will receive funding to further the projects submitted.
First place, with 75,586 votes, went to “la Ferrovia delle Meraviglie” (Railway of Marvels), linking Ventimiglia with Cuneo in a breathtakingly scenic mountain run.
Second place was won by the Castle and Park of Sammezzano at Reggello, Florence, with 62,690 votes. This is the second time that this extraordinary building has been promoted by FAI voters.
Third came the imposing Castle of Brescia with 43,449 votes.
Other special sites in the top 20 were: Guglielmo Marconi's Radiotelegraphic Station at Caltano, Pisa, the Museum of the Mysteries at Campobasso and the Gardens of the military Hospital, Taranto.
The FAI Foundation was founded in 1975 to promote and safeguard Italy's vast cultural and artistic heritage. Membership is open to everyone and gives advantages such as reductions in entrance fees to listed sites.
Info: Tel. +39.06.6879376 www,fondoambiente.it