RIOFREDDO - Museo delle Culture di Villa Garibaldi Archivi ... 

My husband and I came upon the Villa Garibaldi just by chance. We were driving around the lesser known byways near the Lazio-Abruzzo border when we came across the town of Riofreddo and a sign among the trees caught our attention.

Posted on 17 Jan 2008 by Editor


Only wine festival', la sesta edizione si avvicina: da Roma parte ... 


  Glasses will be clinking merrily in the heart of Rome between the  29th February to the 2nd March during the first Rome Wine Festival.



Posted on 16 Jan 2008 by Editor





Posted on 15 Jan 2008 by Editor

Hotel Malaspina, Firenze – Prezzi aggiornati per il 2020

The prestigious Hotel Malaspina Notturno Italiano, situated in the heart of Florence, is offering tempting......

Posted on 14 Jan 2008 by Editor

Le migliori degustazioni di vino a Roma nel 2019

The Eiffel Tower? Yes I know this is supposed to be about Italy and the Eiffel Tower is of course in Paris, France, not Italy.  But¦.


Posted on 09 Jan 2008 by ga



Napoleon Bonaparte was actually Nabulione, or perhaps Nicola, Buonaparte and his family was not Corsican in origin, but Tuscan, according to the town of San Miniato, near Pisa.

Posted on 09 Jan 2008 by Editor


Rome Flaminio Stadium has now become the Italian capitals official rugby field, on par with Twickenham in England and Scotlands Murrayfield


Posted on 07 Jan 2008 by Editor

Risultati immagini per Focara di Novoli

The Focara  di Novoli, (16th -18th January 2016) one of Europe's biggest and most spectacular winter festivals, ushers in the New Year with an ambitious programme that incorporates both local and international dimensions. The Fňcara, a gigantic bonfire in honour of St. Anthony the Abbot, rises to a height of 25m and has involved the entire population of the town in its preparation ever since the first week of December.


Posted on 11 Jan 2005 by Editor

Risultati immagini per immagini di ariccia

The small town of Ariccia in the Castelli Romani hills south of Rome is the proud winner of two prizes from Rome Regional government for its selective waste collection policy. The recently awarded 4  prize regarding plastic recycling carries a cash award that the town council plans to use to invest in new plastic recycling initiaitves, as well as security cameras aimed at discouraging illegal rubbish dumpers.

Posted on 08 Jan 2005 by Editor

the Province of Carbonia Iglesias in south-west Sardinia has launched the new edition of its Si Card Pass, giving discounts and other incentives to visitors to the area.

Posted on 05 Jan 2005 by Editor

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